Warum berührt uns Kunst?

Why does art move us?

Art and Emotions

Art can make us laugh, move us to tears, make us thoughtful, or simply fascinate us. But why? What is the secret of this emotional power emanating from works of art? This blog post delves into the psychological aspects of art perception and explores the role of emotions in the enjoyment of art.

Mirror of Our Soul:

Works of art can act like mirrors of our own soul. They address themes that move us, our longings, fears, dreams, and memories. In a painting, a sculpture, or a piece of music, we recognize ourselves, our own feelings and experiences. This resonance between artwork and viewer creates an emotional connection that touches us.

The Power of Aesthetics:

The aesthetic design of a work of art also plays an important role in our emotional response. Harmonious color compositions, rhythmic forms, and melodious sounds can evoke feelings of peace, harmony, and beauty. Contrasting colors, disharmonious sounds, and irritating forms, on the other hand, can create tension, unease, or even fear.

Associations and Memories:

Artworks can evoke strong associations and memories. A particular motif, a color, or a melody can remind us of past experiences, loved ones, or important moments in our lives. These memories are often associated with strong emotions that are reactivated by the artwork.

Empathy and Identification:

Art allows us to immerse ourselves in other worlds and perspectives. We can identify with the figures in a painting or the characters in a novel and empathize with their feelings and experiences. This empathy and identification creates an emotional closeness that touches and moves us.

Addressing the Unconscious:

Works of art can also address our unconscious and trigger feelings and emotions that we are not even aware of ourselves. Symbols, metaphors, and archetypal images can activate and express emotions deeply rooted in our psyche.

The Role of Context:

The context in which we view a work of art also plays a role in our emotional response. The location, the surroundings, the mood, and our personal experiences influence how we perceive a work of art and what feelings it triggers in us.

The Enjoyment of Art is Individual:

It is important to emphasize that the enjoyment of art and the associated emotions are individual and subjective. What touches one person leaves another cold. There is no "right" or "wrong" when it comes to experiencing art. The important thing is to engage with the artwork openly and give space to one's own emotions and thoughts.


Art touches us because it mirrors our soul, awakens our memories, appeals to our empathy, and activates our unconscious. It is a language of emotions that opens up new perspectives and enriches our perception of the world. Let yourself be touched and inspired by the emotional power of art!

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